Ever feel like the walls, ceiling and floor are closing in on you?
For sometime now, I've had commitments on my calendar that use to be far off in to the future. But now, those commitments are looming quickly. Adding to the mix, the phone has been ring off the hook with new assignments. Don't get me wrong, I love to shoot, and I happy for the work that's recently come in. It's been a bit slow on the assignment end of things. However, I've been busy with many other projects other than work.
I don't think of myself as a procrastinator, however, when my attention is taken away from a current project or endeavor I feel like I'm spread a bit thin. It's a balancing act or sorts, it reminds me of the plate spinner on the Ed Sullivan Show from years past. I find it hard sometimes to keep all those plate spinning all the time.
I'm trying really hard to prepare future post for the blog in my free time. As I look at my calendar, I'm reminded that I don't have much of it. I leave for a week of workshop teaching at Maine Media Workshops early in September. I'll be teaching a workshop called; Location Lighting, Lite & Compact. Right after that, I'll be in Downtown Boston, teaching a 2 day workshop for the Nikonians Organization. I'll be teaching advance lighting techniques using the Nikon CLS method. If you are interested in either of these workshops, there still space for both.
I have several shooting assignments to address before leaving town as well. Which adds more pressure to the mix, one of those assignments are scheduled on the day before I leave for Maine. Sometimes I think I'm crazy, but it's work and when work comes in-you take it.
I had a lot of nice emails about the last post, Storage Tanks & More. Most of those emails expressed how much they had missed the assignment type posts. I enjoy sharing my assignments and having some interesting video to go alone with it. I'll have a few more of those in the next week or two. In the meantime, I'll do my best to continue preparing blog posts for the time while I'm on the road.
I might also mention, when I get back from the east coast I'll be conducting one of my Small Strobes, Big Results workshops here in Denver. That workshop will be held on September 26th, I still have a few more spaces if interested. For more info click HERE.