Dornbirn: This was the second time I have been to Dornbirn, what a beautiful place and how charming the people are. Dornbirn is located in western Austria near the Swiss boarder. We had 12 participants at this two day event, we were hosted by our friend Elmar Elbs. The first day was held at Elmar’s studio where we discussed lighting theory and I provided a few lighting demos. The second day was spent shooting at Harry’s Hotel, a really cool boutique hotel in downtown Dornbirn.
Here is a photo of David Vryghem from Lausanne, Switzerland. One medium Octa held by student Petra. You will notice in the third photo below, she is looking around the softbox making sure she can see the far eye of David. This insures that light will be seen on that side of the face.
I just love this image that Eric Krugl took during the workshop. He placed Lars in the open door way and shot at high speed sync with a Radio Popper Jr. with an off brand China made strobe. Shutter speed of 1/500 @ f/4.0.
Here is a portrait of Elmar our host in Dornbirm.
This is Lars, Elmar's studio partner.
And the set-up shot, beauty dish as the main light, barn doors for the light on the heater register and another projecting the studio logo on the wall.
Here is another shot demonstrating artificial sunlight.
This is what the room looks without direct sunlight... Elmar tells me they never get direct sunlight in this room. Perhaps he should set up a large HMI light to provide some.
I've been busy here in Austria, next is Vienna speaking engagement at a University, two Nikon NPS workshops and a two day in Graz. I'll keep you posted. DT