We had such a great demand from participants that we held another Puchberg workshop on the 18th & 19th. We had 10 talented student eager to learn new skills and techniques. You can see what the workshop setting looked like here.
Here we shifted the white balance to tungsten and used a small softbox over head. The flash had a full CTO to balance with the tungsten WB.
Here another set up to digest.
You can see here that we used a set of barn doors to provide a small amount of light.
I used a small softbox in the foreground and a snoot with a grid on it to light the photo on the wall.
Below we see a classic Clamshell type lighting, glamour light if you will.
Here is a collection of the participants work during the workshop, great job everyone. I want to thank everyone who attended our workshop during the past 3 weeks and a very very special thanks to my best friend Eric Krugl.
Eric, thank you so very much for the hard work you put into arrranging these workshops. WOW!