I've spent the last 2 days talking with high school students at a school close to my home. I spoke to 3 class totaling about 65 students, perhaps a handful full appreciated the info I provided. It was a good few days and I'm happy to have had the opportunity to do so.
Looking into the faces of those young people reminded me of my early beginning's shooting on the high school paper and yearbook. I left each class the advise to follow their passion what ever it is, they'll be happier with their life if they do.
Tomorrow I'll be taking my nephew (my intern) to The Camera Obscura Gallery in Denver to see an exhibition of photos by Steve McCurry.
Steve's work has graced the covers of major magazines as well as National Geographic. I'm sure you remember this cover shot on NGS, one of my all time favorites.
Steve's career was launched when he disguised himself in native garb and crossed the Pakistan/Afghanistan border into the rebel-controlled Afghanistan just before the Russian invasion. Steve emerged from there with rolls of film sewn into his clothes with the first images showing the conflict. His coverage won him the Robert Capa Gold Medal for Best Photographic Reporting from Abroad.
After visiting the gallery, we'll be heading over to the Denver Convention Center to view portfolios of this years graduation photography students from the Art Institute of Colorado. I'm invited every year to attend, the kids enjoy working professionals coming in and reviewing their portfolios and the hope that we might employ them after their graduation.
I also wanted to take just a moment to thank all of you that have left comments on my blog. I appreciate all of your comments, I truly enjoy hearing from each of you. DT