I've been so busy these past several day and have not had the time to post to my blog. I have just returned from Florida where I have been photographing the construction of a large bridge. Erik and I have shot some nice video and I will be posting soon.
It is really hard to keep up when your shooting a lot and your schedule is packed, I'm doing my best. I leave on Tuesday for St. Louis for another assignment, back on Thursday. I really hope to post the video from the fashion shoot of a few weeks ago, video from the San Diego shoot and now from the Florida shoot.
I'm not a Chase Jarvis with a staff of people to help me, I'm truly a one man band. When I'm not shooting I'm looking for new business, answering email, working on mine and my late fathers taxes, blogging and trying to have some personal time with my family. I also have two workshops coming up in Feb. which I am looking forward to.
I guess what I am asking for is some patience, new videos and more comprehensive posts are coming. I know that it is a self imposed pressure I put on myself, I just wanted to let you know what's been going on. DT
The image posted above is from my newly converted D-70 camera to infrared. I'll have a future post about that also.