Not long ago, I bought a very inexpensive lens for my camera kit. As you know, I shoot Nikon equipment and have done so since 1973. I bought the 50 mm f/1.8 lens for only $109.00, what a steal for such a fine lens.
I just love the shallow DOF this lens provides when shot wide open. These two shot where shot for the annual report referenced on an earlier post.
I might as well add an additional shot using this lens. Just look at the bokeh that this lens produces. Bokeh is the term referring to the appearance to out-of-focus (ness,ness) of the areas in an image produced by a camera lens using a shallow depth of field (DOF).
The lighting on the above photo was direct sunlight passing through a 42 inch diffusion 5 in 1 flexfil collapsible reflector. If your looking for a very nice inexpensive lens to add to your arsenal, look at the 50 mm f/1.8 Nikon lens. B&H has this lens at a very reasonable price. DT